Allow us to introduce: Lucas Knol, Captain of the Pelikaan tjalk

Lucas Knol is the owner and captain of the Pelikaan. He has been a crew member on charter sailing boats since 2001. After earning his captain’s license, there were no longer any obstacles to owning his own ship and he is now the proud owner of the Pelikaan, a fully equipped tjalk that can accommodate up to 12 persons. This relatively small luxury ship with all the mod cons is particularly suitable for smaller groups.
Where does the ship sail?
Whether you want to sail to the Waddenzee, IJsselmeer, Markermeer or the Frisian lakes, the captain of the Pelikaan is ready and willing. He lets your group determine the destination and is more than happy to take you wherever you want to go. The Pelikaan also happens to be one of the few ships in the NAUPAR fleet that can also sail the Frisian lakes. With its modest 21 metres, the Pelikaan is small enough to pass through the locks. These lakes offer a nice change of sailing scenery.
This captain's greatest strength is his ability to ‘read’ people – and then do his utmost to fulfil the expectations of his guests and ensure that everyone has a fantastic experience.
Want to learn more about the Pelikaan?
Want to go for a sail on the Pelikaan? Request a no-obligation quote or contact our staff directly. They would be happy to answer any questions and can tell you all about the fabulous possibilities offered by the Pelikaan.