Populair ships from Marken

Sights in Marken

Museum Marken

Marken used to be an island in the Southernsea, now called the IJsselmeer. Since 1957 it has been connected to the mainland via a dike. The village is located near Monnickendam and Volendam in North Holland. Although it has not been an island for a while, time has stood still. The museum gives a look into the life, work and traditions of this former island.

History of the Marker Museum

Marken was first written about in the 13th century. In those days, Marken was on the border between water and land and is probably named after it. Mark means border. The Marker Museum has been exhibiting a collection of life, work and traditions from Marken since 1983. The Marker Museum is located in six linked historic houses in the old centre of Marken.

About the Marker Museum

In the museum you will find a collection about the history in Marken. Part of the museum still has an original layout that served as a residence of a Marker fisherman's family until about 1932. The walls, hung with plates and prints, the box bed and the cupboards can still be found here. The museum shows a varying part of its collection throughout the year. The themes are: traditional costume, ceramics, paintings and prints, utensils, folk art and the collection of Jan Moenis, from Marken.