The harbor of Stavoren is uniquely situated between the IJsselmeer and the Frisian lakes. Stavoren is the oldest city of the Frisian eleven cities and has a cozy historic center.
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Stavoren harbor
The port of Stavoren is located directly on the IJsselmeer. The part where the NAUPAR ships are moored is also called the old harbor. It is a long existing harbor due to the trade history. The population of Holland (former name of the Netherlands) grew rapidly and grain farming was an important income. For this reason, the Frisian skippers from Stavoren were of vital importance. Nowadays Stavoren is a slumbery, authentic town and in the summer the perfect gateway and departure point for the NAUPAR ships.
About the harbor from Stavoren
In the harbor lies the newest attraction of Stavoren. A huge fish with an open mouth where the water flows out of. From the harbor, the white lock bridge, from 1576, gives access to the city. This bridge was formerly important for the large shipping from surrounding places, but lost its function after the Johan Frisosluis was built in 1966. Next to the bridge is the monument of the female of Stavoren, an old legend based on the story of Stavoren. This and more sights such as the former city hall, Toankamer 't Ponthús and the city centrum are close to the harbor.
Route description (only in Dutch)