The Houthaven (‘wooden harbor’) actually consists of four docks, which is why many use the plural by putting an ‘s’ at the end of the word. The area, just a few minutes from Amsterdam Central station, is being revived by a housing project.
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Amsterdam Houthavens
The Houthavens are about 2 km west of the central station. It is the most western harbor area of Amsterdam and was excavated as the first harbor in 1876. The harbor area consists of four harbor basins. The Oude Houthaven, the Houthaven, the Nieuwe Houthaven and the Minervahaven. Houthaven means “the wooden harbor” and for this purpose the port area was also used from 1876 to 1945. It served as a wood handling and storage place. In 1945, parts of the harbor were filled in, as the timber transport was increasingly relocated to the street.
About the Houthavens
After the harbor area had no real function anymore, Amsterdam decided to create 7 artificial islands and to reshape a new residential area. Apartments and business premises are being built and will be available soon.
Route description (only in Dutch)